Wasps and other insects can be disruptive when you are trying to enjoy your outdoor living spaces. However, is there a natural way to eliminate them?
To naturally eradicate wasps, using aromatic herbs is the most efficient way to do it. Herbs such as eucalyptus, citronella, thyme, and spearmint may be planted in areas where wasps are a concern.
This article will explain how to naturally remove wasps from your living spaces. Also, it will explain how to determine which wasps may be beneficial to keep around and which wasps are an immediate threat to your health.

Make a Vinegar Solution
Vinegar serves as a bait that draws vulnerable wasps toward it. It has been proven that this solution primarily works well against wasps while sparing beneficial bee populations. One cup of vinegar combined with four tablespoons of both salt and sugar can serve as an effective trap.
Plant Wasp-Dispersing Herbs
Eucalyptus, citronella, spearmint, and thyme are all excellent herbs to keep handy when trying to control wasp populations. The aroma of these herbs is unpleasant to the wasps, causing them to avoid the areas in which the herbs are planted.
Spray Some Peppermint Oil
As previously mentioned, the scent of peppermint tends to repel wasps. A simple solution consisting mostly of peppermint oil may be sprayed onto surfaces that you wish to eliminate wasps from. This will effectively eliminate the wasp population and ensure that they will not return.
What Types of Wasps Are Dangerous?
- Hornets: Hornets are one of the most venomous and aggressive types of wasp. In fact, Yellow Jackets are the only type of wasp that is more venomous than Hornets.
- Yellow Jackets: Yellow jackets are the most venomous type of wasp. Additionally, Yellow Jackets are small in size and easily mistaken for harmless honey bees. This makes this vicious wasp species one of the most deceiving and dangerous types of insect.
- Tarantula Hawks: This insect belongs to both the wasp and spider families. At lengths of up to 11 centimeters, the Tarantula Hawk delivers an extremely painful sting, causing a sharp discomfort that could last for up to five minutes after the initial sting.
What Types of Wasps Are Beneficial?
While wasps are widely recognized as pests, it is important to recognize that some are capable of eliminating other pests in your region.
- Eulopids: Eulopids are a type of wasp that is capable of controlling the population of the invasive Colorado potato beetle.
- Scoliids and Tiphiids: Both of these species of wasp are useful for controlling the population of June bugs and Japanese beetles.
- Pteromalids and Ichneumonids: Both of these types of wasp can aid in the control of the larvae of both beetles and caterpillars.
- Braconids: Braconids are one of the smallest types of wasp. These wasps are able to control caterpillar populations as well as other grub.
There are a number of ways to naturally eradicate wasps. Additionally, there are several benefits to using natural forms of repellent rather than chemicals like insecticides. The natural insect repellents mentioned in this article are just as effective as many chemical solutions.
A number of aromatic herbs such as thyme, citronella, eucalyptus, and spearmint can be used as an alternative to insecticides. The scent of these plants will prevent the wasps from drawing closer to your patios or decks.